R Code for Lecture 8 (Wednesday, September 19, 2012)

# 4-factor design with crossed random effects
nitro <- read.csv('ecol 563/nitro.csv')
mod3.lmer <- lmer(pN^2 ~ factor(lh)*factor(n)+factor(func)+factor(p)+(1|block)+(1|phy), data=nitro[nitro$tag!=444,])
# no p-values
# obtain credible intervals for effects
out.mcmc <- mcmcsamp(mod3.lmer,n=10000)
# effects model
mod3.lm <- lm(pN^2 ~ factor(lh)*factor(n), data=nitro[nitro$tag!=444,])
# cell means model
mod3.lm <- lm(pN^2 ~ factor(lh):factor(n)-1, data=nitro[nitro$tag!=444,])
# we get estimates and standard errors of means
# variance-covariance matrix of means
# effect estimaters
mod3.lm <- lm(pN^2 ~ factor(lh)+factor(n), data=nitro[nitro$tag!=444,])
# means for lh, effects for n
mod3.lm <- lm(pN^2 ~ factor(lh)+factor(n)-1, data=nitro[nitro$tag!=444,])
# obtain means and their covariance matrix separately for different values of func and p
# Method 1: create a matrix with 4 rows: one row for each lh and n combination
cmat <- function(func,p) rbind(c(1,0,0,func=='mock',p==1,0), c(1,1,0,func=='mock',p==1,0), c(1,0,1,func=='mock',p==1,0), c(1,1,1,func=='mock',p==1,1))
# Method 2: write a function of all 4 factors that matches the R coding scheme
cmat2 <- function(lh,n,func,p) c(1, lh=='NP', n==1, func=='mock', p==1, (lh=='NP')*(n==1))
# produce a matrix that contains all combinations of lh and n
g <- expand.grid(lh=levels(nitro$lh), n=0:1)
# evaluate function on this matrix
apply(g,1, function(x) cmat2(x[1],x[2],'inoc',0))
# transpose result
t(apply(g,1, function(x) cmat2(x[1],x[2],'inoc',0)))
# write this as a function of func and p
cmat3 <- function(func,p) t(apply(g,1,function(x) cmat2(x[1],x[2],func,p)))
# we get the same result as above
#obtain estimates of the means
ests <- cmat3('inoc',0) %*% fixef(mod3.lmer)
#obtain the variance-covariance matrix of the means
vmat <- cmat3('inoc',0) %*% vcov(mod3.lmer) %*% t(cmat3('inoc',0))
# modify the function for obtain difference-adjusted confidence intervals
# change the t-functions to normal functions
 ci.func2 <- function(rowvals, lm.model, glm.vmat) {
nor.func1a <- function(alpha, model, sig) 1-pnorm(-qnorm(1-alpha/2) * sum(sqrt(diag(sig))) / sqrt(c(1,-1) %*% sig %*%c (1,-1))) - pnorm(qnorm(1-alpha/2) * sum(sqrt(diag(sig))) / sqrt(c(1,-1) %*% sig %*% c(1,-1)), lower.tail=F)
nor.func2 <- function(a,model,sigma) nor.func1a(a,model,sigma)-.95
n <- length(rowvals)
xvec1b <- numeric(n*(n-1)/2)
vmat <- glm.vmat[rowvals,rowvals]
ind <- 1
for(i in 1:(n-1)) {
for(j in (i+1):n){
sig <- vmat[c(i,j), c(i,j)]
#solve for alpha
xvec1b[ind] <- uniroot(function(x) nor.func2(x, lm.model, sig), c(.001,.999))$root
ind <- ind+1
# the variance-covariance matrix from lme4 has an unusual class
# we need to change the class to type matrix
ci.func2(1:4, mod3.lmer, as.matrix(vmat))
# we get slightly diferent confidence levels depending on value of func and p
vmat2 <- cmat3('mock',0) %*% vcov(mod3.lmer) %*% t(cmat3('mock',0))
ci.func2(1:4, mod3.lmer, as.matrix(vmat2))
vmat2 <- cmat3('mock',1) %*% vcov(mod3.lmer) %*% t(cmat3('mock',1))
# function to obtain means, std errs, 95% CIs, and difference-adjusted CIs
make.data <- function(func,p,model) {
  vmat <- cmat3(func,p) %*% vcov(model) %*% t(cmat3(func,p))
  vals1 <- ci.func2(1:4, model, as.matrix(vmat))
  part1 <- data.frame(lh=c('EA','NP','EA','NP'), n=c(0,0,1,1), 
est=as.vector(cmat3(func,p)%*%fixef(model)), se=sqrt(diag(vmat)))
  part1$low95 <- part1$est+qnorm(.025)*part1$se
part1$up95 <- part1$est+qnorm(.975)*part1$se
part1$low85 <- part1$est+qnorm((1-min(vals1))/2)*part1$se
part1$up85 <- part1$est+qnorm(1-(1-min(vals1))/2)*part1$se
part1$func <- func
part1$p <- p
# use function for different values of func and p
part0a <- make.data('inoc',0,mod3.lmer)
part0b <- make.data('inoc',1,mod3.lmer)
part0c <- make.data('mock',0,mod3.lmer)
part0d <- make.data('mock',1,mod3.lmer)
# assemble results in single matrix
fac.vals <- rbind(part0a,part0b,part0c,part0d)
# there is no function for getting confidence intervals for lme4 objects
# we can obtain confidence intervals for an lme object with the intervals function
mod3.lme <- lme(pN^2 ~ factor(lh)*factor(n)+factor(func)+factor(p), random=~1|block, data=nitro[nitro$tag!=444,])
# confint does not work on lme objects
# intervals works
# if we had a simpler model we could use intervals to obtain confidence intervals for mean
# effects version of 2-factor interaction model
mod3.lme <- lme(pN^2 ~ factor(lh)*factor(n),random=~1|block, data=nitro[nitro$tag!=444,])
# means version of 2-factor interaction model
mod3a.lme <- lme(pN^2 ~ factor(lh):factor(n)-1,random=~1|block, data=nitro[nitro$tag!=444,])
# obtain means
# obtain confidence intervals
# obtain variance covariance matrix of means
# group panel function
my.panel <- function(x, y, subscripts, col, pch, group.number, ...) {
  #subset variables for the current panel
  low95 <- fac.vals$low95[subscripts]
  up95 <- fac.vals$up95[subscripts]
  low85 <- fac.vals$low85[subscripts]
  up85 <- fac.vals$up85[subscripts]
  myjitter <- c(-.05,.05)
  col2 <- c('tomato','grey60')
  #95% confidence interval
     code=3, length=.05, col=col)
  #50% confidence interval
     col=col2[group.number], lineend=1, lwd=5)
  panel.lines(x+myjitter[group.number],y, col=col)
  panel.xyplot(x+myjitter[group.number],y, col='white', pch=16)
  panel.xyplot(x+myjitter[group.number],y, col=col, pch=pch, ...)
  panel.abline(h=seq(10,26,2), col='lightgrey', lty=3)
# prepanel function to set limits for panels
prepanel.ci2 <- function(x,y,ly,uy,subscripts,...){
list(ylim=range(y, uy[subscripts], ly[subscripts], finite=T))}
# two-factor interaction plot using lattice and group panel function
xyplot(est~lh|func+factor(p, level=0:1, labels=paste('P = ', 0:1, sep='')),
xlab ='lh', ylab='Estimated mean', groups=factor(n), data=fac.vals, col=c(2,1),
pch=c(1,16), prepanel=prepanel.ci2, ly=fac.vals$low95, uy=fac.vals$up95, 
layout=c(2,2), panel.groups=my.panel, panel="panel.superpose")
# add a key to the graph
xyplot(est~lh|func+factor(p, level=0:1, labels=paste('P = ', 0:1, sep='')),
xlab ='lh', ylab='Estimated mean', groups=factor(n), data=fac.vals, col=c(2,1),
pch=c(1,16), prepanel=prepanel.ci2, ly=fac.vals$low95, uy=fac.vals$up95, 
layout=c(2,2), panel.groups=my.panel, panel="panel.superpose",
key=list(x=.85,y=.80, corner=c(0,0), points=list(pch=c(16,1), col=1:2, cex=.9),
text=list(c('n = 1','n = 0'), cex=.8)))
# assign the graph to an object
mygraph <- 
xyplot(est~lh|func+factor(p, level=0:1, labels=paste('P = ', 0:1, sep='')),
xlab ='lh', ylab='Estimated mean', groups=factor(n), data=fac.vals, col=c(2,1),
pch=c(1,16), prepanel=prepanel.ci2, ly=fac.vals$low95, uy=fac.vals$up95, 
layout=c(2,2), panel.groups=my.panel, panel="panel.superpose",
key=list(x=.85,y=.88, corner=c(0,0), points=list(pch=c(16,1), col=1:2, cex=.9),
text=list(c('n = 1','n = 0'), cex=.8)))
# load the latticeExtra package and redo graph
# put strips on left and on top

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